Service Before Price Discounted Price
AI Market Proposal £99 £29
SEO Optimization PER ITEM £99 £39
AEO Optimization PER ITEM £325 £35
Report & recommendations £1500 £95
Bonus Generator £75 £35
Sale Emails (x5) £99 £35
Email Marketing £90 £80
Auto Responder £80 £70
Business Phone Number (x1) £40 £35
1-Page Funnel £95 £85
Domain Ideas £50 £30
Domain (x1) £25 £20
Blogs (x5) £99 £39
AI Chat Bots £99 £89
AI Images £40 £35
AI Logos (x5 with x5 revisions) £99 £49
Videos £99 £89
Social Posts x 5 £80 £40
Benefit Stack £75 £65
Magic Hooks £70 £60
Paid Advertisement (1 Ad) £45 £40
AI I.T. Solutions x 1 report £225 £55
Email Marketing £90 £80
CRM Services (Subject to conversation)
Website (Subject to conversation)
This takes into account initial set up including website, social media which are basic stuff needed by all businesses in this day and age. We make sure websites are fully functional across all platforms and devices and that AI is introduced.
Initial consultation and brainstorming
Website/email/ branding
2 social media accounts
9 initial posts
Company Logo
This is where we now establish the true online reach by the way of marketing and campaigns. The cost below is an average cost we expect a start up small business to have in the first 3 months.
Online Campaign marketing
Lead generation
Company email Auto-responder
We now want to make sure we capture your contact's and engage with them to enhance and increase your client base. This is where we introduce "targeting". It takes time for people to warm up!!
Enhanced Email marketing
Data Analysis & reporting
Strategy enhancement for optimum growth
A: No! Our aim is to make sure all hands are off deck (for your off course). However, we will require certain information from you about your business and other small things, but this is just an ongoing process which we will communicate with you as and when it's needed.
A: We constantly update you with data and reports, but more importantly, you will start to get "leads" coming in very fast. Now not all leads will be perfect, but the idea is to brand your company in the right way to attract the right clients and not bogus ones. This is an ongoing refine and reform process, streamlining your campaigns to get more for your monthly budget by the way of clients.
Gurp Pal, Linx Design and build